Regarding Canine Upper Respiratory Illness November 29,2023
We wanted to share the following correspondence we received from the American Kennel Club regarding the mystery illness that has been going around.
Precautions Regarding Canine Upper Respiratory Illness
There are a lot of unknowns about this newest canine illness. We should all do our best to work to avoid the spread of this disease by following these basic recommendations:
Keep your dog up to date on vaccines including but not limited to Bordetella, Parainfluenza, and Canine Influenza, and avoid direct contact with other dogs.
If your dog has been exposed to a dog with an upper respiratory illness, but is showing no symptoms, it is recommended you quarantine your dog for a minimum of 2 weeks. Do not take it to any areas where other dogs will be.
If your dog has been exposed to a dog with an upper respiratory illness, and is showing symptoms, it is recommended you quarantine your dog for a minimum of 4 weeks after all symptoms have passed. Do not take it to any areas where other dogs will be.
Absolutely do not take your dog to any events if it is showing any signs of respiratory illness such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, any nasal discharge, lack of energy, or difficulty breathing.
Avoid sharing water and food bowls among dogs. Dog bowls should be washed regularly.
Regularly wash or sanitize your hands, especially after handling dogs.
While judging guidelines recommend that judges ask the exhibitor to display the oral exam, during this time and out of an abundance of caution, judges are expected to have the exhibitor display the oral exam and may personally examine the mouth ONLY if absolutely necessary. Where applicable, judges must conduct thumb exams.
If necessary to personally examine the mouth, the judge MUST sanitize their hands after examining the dog, and as a general practice, are strongly encouraged to sanitize their hands after examining each entry. Re-examining of dogs should be minimized.
Clubs hosting conformation events should provide hand sanitizer/wipes for judges and stewards to use between dogs. Equipment used to measure and/or weigh dogs should be sanitized before and after each use.
Responsible actions by exhibitors, judges, and clubs are necessary to minimize any risks to our dogs. We thank everyone for their thoughtful cooperation and diligence in taking these extra measures.