UKC Socialized Pet Obedience Test (SPOT) and AKC Canine Good Citizen test (CGC)
This class is open to dogs who have completed a beginning obedience class.
The United Kennel Club’s Socialized Pet Obedience Test (SPOT) and American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen test (CGC) are a certification program that evaluates dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere.
The purpose of each test is to ensure that dogs are respected members of their communities and are trained to act mannerly in the home, in public places and in the presence of other dogs. Dogs that pass the CGC test are deemed to be reliable family and community members and will receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club for CGC and from the United Kennel Club for SPOT.
The ten-step SPOT certification tests the following:
Walking on a loose leash through a designated patter
Leave It
Doorway Manners
Loading and Unloading
Moving Dog Distraction
Manners with Distraction
Greeting an Approaching Stranger
Grooming Exam
Sit and Down on Command
Stay in Place and Come on Command
The ten-step CGC certification tests the following:
Greets a friendly stranger.
Sits politely for petting.
Welcomes being groomed, brushed; allows paws and ears to be handled.
Walks as directed on a loose leash.
Moves politely through a crowd.
Sits, lies down and stays in place on command.
Comes when called.
Behaves politely around other dogs.
Reacts with confidence to distractions.
Can be left with a trusted person.
Canine Good Citizen Advanced
The American Kennel Club has released the following information for the CGCA program. Our Advanced Manners class is a series of 5 field trips to practice manners in public places and the test will be given during our final session.
“To earn the AKC Community Canine title, dogs must have a CGC certificate or CGC title on record at AKC, and they must have an AKC number (AKC registration number, PAL number, or AKC Canine Partners number). All dogs, including mixed breeds, can get an AKC number that is used to attach titles to the dog’s record.
As with CGD, AKC Community Canine requires a 10-step test that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine Title
1. Dog sits or lays down and waits under control.
2. Walks on a loose leash in a natural situation (not in a ring) – does not pull.
3. Walks on a loose leash through a crowd.
4. Dog walks past distraction dogs present; does not pull.
5. Sit-stay in small group (3 other people with dogs).
6. Dog allows a person who is carrying something to approach and pet it.
7. “leave it.” Dog walks by food and follows owner instructions, “Leave it.”
8. Down or sit stay-distance (owner’s choice).
9. Recall (coming when called) with distractions present.
10. Dog will enter/exit a doorway or passageway with owner and remain under control.
Urban Canine Good Citizen
UCGC focuses on city-dwelling dogs and the special skills they require. ACK Urban CGC requires a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Urban CGC title.
AKC Urban CGC skills dogs must possess include:
Exits/enters doorways (of dog friendly buildings) with no pulling
Walks through a crowd on a busy urban sidewalk
Reacts appropriately to city distractions (horns, sirens, etc.)
Waits on leash, crosses street under control
Ignores food and food containers on sidewalk
Person approaches on sidewalk and pets dog
3-minute down-stay in lobby of dog friendly building
Safely negotiates stairs and elevators
House trained
Enters, exits, rides dog-friendly transportation (car, subway in a carry bag, cab)